Kids’ Questions

Identity Graham Thompson Identity Graham Thompson

Key Questions: How Should We Shape Our Kids' Identities?

Answers to the questions: Isn’t it wrong to indoctrinate kids? Shouldn’t we give them the freedom to choose their own beliefs? What if I don’t feel like my faith is strong enough to influence my kids well? Can’t I rely on the church, youth group, or Christian school to shape my kids’ identity?

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Identity Graham Thompson Identity Graham Thompson

Sample Discussion: How Should We Shape Our Kids' Identities?

A sample of how to talk to our kids about shaping their identity. How and why do we as fathers seek to shape our kids into the image of God? Like liquids, we are all shaped by the contexts we’re placed in. But through the church, our homes, and our lives, we can be used by God to give our kids a solid faith.

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Graham Thompson Graham Thompson

Dad, why are kids so lonely today?

We live in an epidemic of loneliness, but the gospel offers the hope of enjoying the relationships with God and others we were created to enjoy.

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Loneliness Graham Thompson Loneliness Graham Thompson

Talking Points: Dad, why are kids so lonely today?

Loneliness is tearing us and our kids apart psychologically, physically, and culturally. Though social media and screen time magnify its detrimental effects, loneliness is a theological problem that goes back to the garden. But its solution goes back even further, to a God who loves us and made us for relationships with him and each other.

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Loneliness Graham Thompson Loneliness Graham Thompson

Sample Discussion: Dad, why are kids so lonely today?

A sample of how to talk to our kids about loneliness. We are created for relationships as image-bearers of a relational God. But, because of sin, we hide from others and God. However, Jesus has defeated sin on the cross and offers us relationship with God and others in his new community of forgiven people—the church.

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Graham Thompson Graham Thompson

Dad, is abortion wrong?

Christians are called to preserve life and defend truth while loving unborn children AND their mothers.

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Abortion Graham Thompson Abortion Graham Thompson

Talking Points: Dad, is abortion wrong?

A clear and concise introduction to the nature of the cultural challenge, the underlying theological issue, the biblical solution, and how to apply that biblical insight to our response to this challenge with our kids.

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