Recommended Resources: Dad, why do we believe Jesus rose from the dead?

A curated list of some helpful articles, podcasts, and books on this topic for those who want to explore it further.

  • Trevin Wax answers the question, “What if Jesus wasn’t raised from the dead?”

  • Glen Scrivener argues that when you look at creation, history, and Jesus, it takes more faith not to believe in the resurrection.

  • In this podcast, John Piper responds to the desire for more historical evidence by defending the evidence we have and arguing the primary reason people don’t believe has more to do with their hearts than history. 

  • This YouTube series from apologist William Lane Craig would be worth watching with older kids.

  • A couple books on the resurrection: The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus by Gary Habermans and Michael Licona and Is Easter Unbelievable? by Rebecca McLaughlin.

  • For a more detailed explanation of how the resurrection is the most reasonable explanation of the historical evidence, see this article by Matt Perman.

  • This detailed essay by Benjamin Shaw explains the doctrine of the resurrection.


Sample Discussion: Dad, why do we believe Jesus rose from the dead?


Dad, why do we believe Jesus rose from the dead?