Dad, isn’t the Bible’s view on sex outdated and intolerant?
Christian views of sex are painted as defensive and reactionary. Often they are. In a culture that constantly pushes the sexual boundaries, it may feel like we have no choice. But, in fact, the Bible offers a much richer, more beautiful, and healthier view of sex that fosters both individual and cultural flourishing. Leading Christian ethicist Andrew Walker will help us think through how to respond to the constantly evolving cultural challenges with that more fulfilling biblical vision for sex.
About the Speaker
Andrew T. Walker is an associate professor of Christian ethics at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and a fellow with the Ethics and Public Policy Center. He is the author of numerous books, including Faithful Reason: Natural Law Ethics for God’s Glory and Our Good, God and the Transgender Debate: What Does the Bible Actually Say about Gender Identity?, and Liberty for All: Defending Everyone’s Religious Freedom in a Pluralistic Age.